
Time is going past quickly here in Burkina and it’s a sprint to the end. I’m feeling tired, to be completely honest. I have about 15 to-do lists that are scattered across notebooks and post-its and loose sheets of paper. Sometimes I even add something along the lines of “simplify to-do lists” to whichever to-do list is on hand.

My head is a little scrambled with all the endings and beginnings that I am preparing for. I’m reminded that preparing for an ending and preparing for a new beginning are such different things and I almost feel the urge to write separate to-do lists for each of them. (I’ll try to restrain myself.)

My SALT term is coming to a close in four weeks and I’ll be heading back to the States for the summer. What can I say except that I am grateful? I am so grateful for all the people who have been with me on this year-long trek that took me places I never expected to go. I am so grateful for the emails, the messages and the phone calls that saw me through to right now. I am so grateful that I was able to share my experience – albeit in a segmented way – through this blog. I know that it will stay as a reminder of the tricky, funny and more often than I’d like to admit, awkward moments shaped my time in Chad and Burkina Faso.

I will be saying lots of goodbyes followed by many hellos in the days to come and I’ll continue to be grateful for your support in this transition time. And I’ll see some of you very soon!

Author: karisneufeld

Constantly eating too much and not reading enough.

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